Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Velma by Robbi Rodriguez

Haven't done an art post in a while. Then again, I haven't gotten any serious pieces since my birthday so there hasn't really been a point here. So, I thought I'd update this blog, as well as do a bit of art talk here. I'm sure you won't mind.

Velma by Robbi Rodriguez. Robbi's been in the indie scene for years and you'll see him this December in Uncanny X-Force and recently in New Mutants. Marvel has been picking up the indie guys as of late. I mean CB definitely knows talent and this recent pick up is no surprise.

I already have a geek girl and a Zatanna from him so I thought I'd go with a Velma this time around. I've mentioned I like the minimalist approach here. He nailed her hair and freckles and gave her a sort of serious tone. I dig it and he's happy I did so since he's happy with the piece as well.

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